The Abbara program was launched in 2011 in response to the sociopolitical events that swept   many countries in the Arab region and with the intent to support independent cultural groups and organizations as key actors in the processes of societal transformation.

Program goals

  •   To support collective cultural work by training, equipping and guiding independent cultural groups and organizations in the course of their development to help them forge the most successful structures for cultural work within diverse social, political and cultural contexts.
  •   To contribute to the development of the cultural sector by testing alternative models and approaches to organizational sustainability, in general, and financial sustainability, in particular, with a focus on ensuring the stability and durability of independent cultural groups and organizations.
  •   To address the common challenges of independent cultural work across the Arab region by creating links between groups and organizations engaged in cultural work in the region to enable them to share learning, exchange expertise and develop mechanisms to support the independent cultural sector.

What does Abbara offer?

Towards the realisation of its goals, the program offers groups and organizations the following types of support:

  •   Financial support: Up to $25,000 in core funding to cover such basic operational costs as administrative staffing expenses, rent and upkeep of premises, running costs and website development. The funding does not cover programs activities. This support component lasts for at least 12 months.
  •   Training in cultural management: Abbara offers two cultural management training workshops supervised by experts in the field and carried out in collaboration with independent cultural organizations from different Arab countries. Abbara’s training component has evolved to include peer learning and address contemporary topics.
  •   Technical support: The areas covered by the technical support are tailored to each organization on the basis of a needs assessment conducted after the first workshop.
  •   Networking: The program provides a space for networking through activities organized within the framework of the program itself and that engage many cultural organizations from different parts of the Arab region. It also encourages Abbara’s beneficiary organizations to participate in other Culture Resource programs such as Imkan and Wasl.

How it works 

  •   After the application period closes, the Abbara team performs a preliminary screening of the applications to ensure that applicants meet the eligibility criteria and have complied with the other application requirements.
  •   All the eligible applications are submitted to an independent jury approved by Culture Resource’s Artistic Board. The jury evaluates the applications on the basis of an established set of criteria devised for this program. After evaluating all the applications submitted to it, the independent jury nominates ten groups/organizations to benefit from the Abbara program.
  •   The Abbara team organizes the first training workshop on strategic planning and the management of cultural structures. The workshop is attended by two representatives from each of the selected beneficiary groups/organizations.
  •   Partnership contracts are signed with beneficiary groups/organizations.
  •   The Abbara team organizes a second workshop designed on the basis of the needs of the participant groups/organizations.
  •   Technical and followthrough support are provided to Abbara program’s beneficiary groups/organizations during the period of their participation in Abbara 6.

Program schedule

The Abbara program lasts from 12 to 18 months, depending on the needs of each group/organization and the number of groups/organizations selected for each round depending on the program’s budget.

  •   Applications will be accepted as of 11 September 2019.
  •   The deadline for submissions is 25 November 2019 at 4:00 PM Beirut time.
  •   The selected beneficiaries are announced in February 2010.
  •   The first training workshop in strategic planning and cultural administration will be held from  22 till 29 March 2020.
  •   Contracts are signed in May 2020
  •   Technical support and followthrough activities begin in June 2020.
  •   Preparations for the second workshop designed on the basis of the needs of the participant groups/organizations begins after the end of the first training workshop.

How to apply

  1. Please read the application guidelines carefully before completing the application form.
  2. The application must be completed entirely in Arabic, apart from the blanks that require English.
  3. Include all necessary supporting documents (see the guidelines) with the application form.

Note: Applications that do not meet the eligibility requirements and that do not include all required attachments and supporting documents will be eliminated and not be forwarded to the jury.

For further questions on the program in general or on the application form, please contact the Abbara team: [email protected]

Who is eligible to apply?

  •   This program is open to independent (non-governmental) artistic and cultural groups/organizations founded and directed by artists and/or cultural actors from an Arab country (regardless of ethnic origin or citizenship status).
  •   The scope of work of the group/organization should be mainly focused on the Arab region. Arab cultural and artistic groups/organizations abroad may be considered as long as their work serves artistic and cultural production in Arabic.
  •   Groups that are not officially registered in the country where they operate may be considered as long as they are able to carry out their activities within established legal frameworks.
  •   The applicant group/organization must demonstrate a clear desire to forge organizational, administrative and legal structures geared to contending with the challenges facing cultural work today.
  •   The group/organization should have a clear perception of its role in the context of the social, cultural and artistic realities of the environment in which it operates and how it fits together with other groups/organizations in the cultural scene. 
  •   The group/organization must be active in the cultural sector and have a distinctive, dynamic and long-term artistic or cultural vision.
  •   The applicant must be a small or midsize group/organization and it or its members should have no less than three years work experience in the artistic and cultural domain.
  •   The group/organization must not be a previous beneficiary of an Abbara grant.

Application instructions

Please follow the following steps in order to create an account and register on the online applications platform:

  1. Enter the online applications platform and fill in the required registration information.
  2. After clicking the “register” icon, you will receive a link by email. Click on the link to activate your account.
  3. Once you activated your account, you can re-enter the online application platform using your email address and password. You will then find the application form which you can fill out online. 

How are participant groups/organizations selected?

A jury of independent professionals with experience in the Arts & Culture field evaluates the applications on the basis of the following set of criteria:

Future vision, goals and potential impact

  • The group’s/organization’s vision, plan and aims, and the coherence between these elements.
  • The group’s/organization’s role in the context of the social, cultural and artistic realities of its environment and how it fits together with other groups/organizations in the cultural scene.
  • The cultural or service activities performed by the group/organization.
  • Work experience in culture and the arts.

Organizational structure, capacities and skills

  • Planning: Is it realistic, logical and consistent with the group’s/organization’s vision and ability to evolve?
  • Organizational structure: How is the group/organization structured administratively? Is this commensurate with its size, activities and decision-taking mechanisms?
  • Soundness of financial management and whether it conforms with the principles of clarity and transparency.
  • Partnering and networking: The ability to work collaboratively, build partnerships and/or forge relations with support agencies.

The reasons for applying to Abbara

  • Are they reasonable and coherent? 
  • Do the group’s/organization’s expectations conform with what the program offers?
  • Are the motives consistent with the needs? 

For further questions on the program in general or on the application form, please contact the Abbara team: [email protected]


In its five previous rounds from 2011 to 2019, the Abbara program supported 55 independent artistic and cultural organizations from the Arab region in their capacity as entities that are fundamental to building cultural sectors dedicated to serving and promoting the advancement of their societies. Over the years, the Abbara program witnessed these organizations develop and evolve, and simultaneously encounter difficulties. The independent organizations weren’t always able to overcome the challenges they faced, which led 19 of them to suspend their work. The Abbara organizations that are still active and the Culture Resource remain in contact and, in some cases, their relationships have evolved into robust partnerships.

Under the economic stagnation and related repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic, many artistic and cultural organizations have had to cancel or suspend their activities for indefinite periods. Some have even been forced to shut down. In the Arab region, the cumulative effects of the pandemic struck at a time when most Arab countries were already gripped by the political, economic and humanitarian crises that have shaken their stability and put the entire region at unprecedented risk. Due to the lack of essential governmental support for the artistic and cultural sector in most Arab countries and the lack of measures or arrangements to alleviate the immediate strains of the crisis on cultural actors, the entire cultural and artistic sector with its diverse organizations is fighting for its survival while its individual members are struggling to continue work under the adversities of the pandemic. 

In response to these circumstances and in the framework of its ongoing interactions with participant organizations and its efforts to strengthen networking between them in order to foster the arts and culture sector across the region, the Abbara program has launched an exceptional initiative to support the independent artistic and cultural organizations from the Arab region that took part in one of the five previous Abbara rounds. 

What is the Abbara Support Initiative? 

The Abbara program aims to support and empower independent cultural and artistic initiatives and organizations from the Arab region. In this framework, the program is now offering exceptional financial support to cover basic organizational expenses (administrative staff salaries, rental payments, running costs, etc.) to help organizations adjust to the current circumstances and survive at this time of rapid change. 

Through this initiative, Abbara will support 10 to 12 independent artistic and cultural organizations active in the Arab region and that have participated in one of the five previous Abbara rounds. The organizations will be eligible for grants of up to $15,000 covering a period of 6 to 12 months, depending on the individual needs of the organization.

Application Guidelines

Organizations wishing to apply to the Abbara Support Initiative should submit a Letter of Intent with the required supporting documents attached to the e-mail below.

  • The deadline for submitting the Letter of Intent and supporting documents is Friday 10 July, 2020 before 4:00 PM Beirut time. 
  • Grants of up to $15,000 are available for each beneficiary organization. Any independent artistic or cultural organization that benefited from Abbara support in one of the previous five rounds may apply on the condition that the organization is still active.
  • Organizations that still have an open Abbara grant may not apply to this initiative. 
  • The Letter of Intent and supporting documents should be submitted in Arabic.
  • E-mail the letter and supporting documents to [email protected]
  • Include the name of the applicant organization in the e-mail subject line. 

Note: Applications that do not meet the requirements will be eliminated and not forwarded to the jury. 

Letter of Intent 

Please fill in this form which includes:

  • General information about the applicant organization;
  • Special questions related to Abbara’s program; 
  • The Letter of Intent should be written in Arabic and not exceed four pages.

Supporting Documents

  • A photocopy of the organization’s legal registration;
  • The organization’s organigram: please include all permanent full- and part-time staff members;
  • A file containing short biographies of three key members of the organization;
  • A narrative report (or the equivalent) on the organization’s activities during 2018 and 2019;
  • The organization’s budget for 2018 and 2019 mentioning funding sources. The figures should be in US dollars;
  • A list of funding sources (both confirmed and anticipated) for 2021.

The budget form can be downloaded here

Selection Process

After the application deadline, all applications received will be assembled and screened to ensure the eligibility of the applicant organization and that the applications are complete and include the Letter of Intent and the required supporting documents. 

All applications that meet all these conditions will be forwarded to an independent three-member jury of specialists.

The jury evaluates the application files and selects the grantees on the basis of the following set of criteria:

  • The nature of the context in which the applicant organization is operating;
  • The challenges that the organization is facing and its ability to assess its needs and priorities; 
  • The organization’s vision for how to overcome challenges and its ability to develop and apply innovative means to readjust;
  • The specific internal measures and practices that reflect the organization’s capacity for responding to the challenges; 
  • The organization’s governance practices;
  • The availability (or the possibility of securing) the minimum amount of resources needed to deal with the crisis;
  • The organization’s ability to collaborate and contribute to the support of the arts and culture sector.

For further questions, please contact the program team at: [email protected]