Faris Ishaq
Jordan - Palestine
Nay Master, Composer and Music Therapist

Faris Ishaq
Jordan - Palestine
Nay Master, Composer and Music Therapist


Production Awards
Kham Quartet
The Kham Quartet consists of Faris Ishaq (ney), the Australian jazz harpist Tara Minton, the Italian jazz singer Germana La Sorsa and the Nigerian percussionist Richard Olatunde Baker. The raw material of the ney (sugar cane) inspired Faris with an artistic mission to discover the outer reaches of the range and intrinsic performance potential of this simple instrument. “Kham”, which means raw, represents the faith in the inherit potential of any idea, substance or even person, and the whole-hearted investment in the means to develop and optimise them. In fact, Ishaq’s main field of specialization – music therapy – is an expression of his holistic approach to music, which is foundational to his new project.

Commissioned Artist

NAY: Nature Addresses You
“The nay is an ancient flute that dates back to 5000 B.C. As natural as the nay is, in order for its sound to come out, a consistent reflective connection has to be made between the nay, the player and the environment within which it is played. Playing the nay has always intensified my connection with my inner voice and has been my permanent companion in my journey of self-exploration and self-reconciliation.

The lockdown was an opportunity to slow down, comprehend the essence of what was happening and highlight the inner connection between oneself and nature as a vital part of us. “NAY: Nature Addresses You” is a journey narrated by the nay calling for self-discovery. Musically, I will shed light on the nay as a global flute, where I expand its performance from melodic to percussive and harmonic expressions. Moreover, the session will showcase my innovation of a new performance set that consists of playing simultaneously the nay, leg-percussion and frame drum.”


Exceptional Grants for Supporting Artists & Writers
Nay: Nature Addresses You
“Nay: Nature Addresses You” Album
This 45 minute long audio and video recorded album of a solo nay (reed flute) performance showcases how Ishaq developed his technique so as to transform the nay into an instrument that can execute melodic, percussion and harmonic functions at once, thereby enabling it to perform world music and jazz, like the flute. As the nay is the preferred instrument in Sufic spiritual contemplation, the composer will create pieces intended to trigger positive and negative subliminal responses that will invite the listener to engage in a journey of self-discovery and self-reconciliation.