Rasha Salah
Palestine - Lebanon
Cultural Manager
Cultural Management
A cofounder of Dar El-Nimer for Arts and Culture, she joined the Dar El-Nimer team in 2015 and became the executive director for this cultural space when it was launched in Beirut in 2016. A graduate from the University of Bordeaux in social and cultural development, she served as the grants manager for the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) from 2010 to 2015. Salah is the author of Next Year in Tiberias: Letters from a Young Palestinian Woman from Lebanon (2016) and she co-directed the documentary Palestinian Women: Forgotten by Peace with Francis Bouchet and Gilles Signard.

Rasha Salah
Palestine - Lebanon
Cultural Manager
Cultural Management
A cofounder of Dar El-Nimer for Arts and Culture, she joined the Dar El-Nimer team in 2015 and became the executive director for this cultural space when it was launched in Beirut in 2016. A graduate from the University of Bordeaux in social and cultural development, she served as the grants manager for the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) from 2010 to 2015. Salah is the author of Next Year in Tiberias: Letters from a Young Palestinian Woman from Lebanon (2016) and she co-directed the documentary Palestinian Women: Forgotten by Peace with Francis Bouchet and Gilles Signard.






Round 03