Emad Aboughazi
Cultural Policies
Emad Aboughazi is an Egyptian historian, archivist and professor at the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University (department of libraries, archives and information) and is Egypt’s former minister of culture. Aboughazi was the Secretary-General and the supervisor of the culture committees in the Supreme Counsel of Culture. He is also a member of several NGOs working in the field of culture in Egypt. Since 1974, Aboughazi has been publishing numerous researches, articles and books.

Emad Aboughazi
Cultural Policies
Emad Aboughazi is an Egyptian historian, archivist and professor at the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University (department of libraries, archives and information) and is Egypt’s former minister of culture. Aboughazi was the Secretary-General and the supervisor of the culture committees in the Supreme Counsel of Culture. He is also a member of several NGOs working in the field of culture in Egypt. Since 1974, Aboughazi has been publishing numerous researches, articles and books.


Cultural Policies and Research
Foundations of Cultural Policies


Cultural Policies and Research
Cultural Policy Workshop