The second cultural journalism training workshop was held in Beirut in February 2010 in collaboration with Assafir News paper and the Samir Kassir Foundation of Lebanon. This program aims to improve the quality of cultural journalism in the Arab world. The call for applications was announced in December 2009 and the deadline was 5 January 2010. Culture Resource (Al Mawred Al Thaqafy) received over 120 applications from young professional cultural journalists in the Arab region and 17 participants were selected Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. Unfortunately Heba Agha from Gaza was unable to attend the workshop due to the siege on Gaza. Trainers this year were the Egyptian journalist Sayed Mahmoud and the Egyptian writer and journalist Ezzat El Kamhawy. The workshop program included meetings with Abbas Baydoun, Rashed Issa and Bashier Sfeir, in addition to lectures about publishing laws, journalism and the internet, and modern research tools, among other subjects. The participants also gave a presentation about culture and cultural journalism in each of their countries. The training was focused on writing book reviews, and the newspaper Akhbar Al Adab published two of the book reviews developed in the workshop.