Culture Resource has introduced an exceptional component to its Stand for Art program which supports artists and cultural actors from the Arab region who are in danger or at risk because of their artistic output or cultural activities or because of circumstances in their environment, whether in their home countries or abroad, that threaten their security and well-being.

The new component expands the scope of the program to cover artists, cultural actors and technicians who have suffered hardship due to the unusual circumstances precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic, above all by the cancellation of the cultural and artistic activities and the closure of the spaces that host and/or organize them.

This exceptional component is designed for those artists and cultural actors and technicians who have been the most severely harmed by the repercussions of the pandemic. This category includes individuals who receive no support from a professional syndicate, work in the informal artistic sector, depend on irregular incomes, have families to support, are elderly or in fragile health, or have been forced to be away from their homes. More information on the application guidelines here.