Culture Resource and the Hassan II University in Casablanca are pleased to announce the open call for the second cycle of the MA in Cultural Policy & Cultural Management which is a two-year program taught in both Arabic and English and hosted by the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ben M’sik, at the Hassan II University in Casablanca, Morocco.

Culture Resource established this program in partnership with Hassan II University, and the University of Hildesheim in Germany and its UNESCO Chair for Cultural Policies for Arts in Development and the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation as cooperating partners, and with the support of the Ford Foundation. The program aims to develop a new generation of researchers, cultural managers, policy makers, and academics capable of contributing to cultural practices in their countries and in the Arab region, and working with a strategic approach in the public cultural sector, creative industries, and the independent non-profit cultural sector. The program seeks to build capacities that would enable the students to play an active role in promoting and supporting freedom of expression, wider access to culture, intraregional and international cultural collaboration, and professionalism.

The program offers partial scholarships and a small grant to support the graduation project, in addition to the opportunity of participating in the summer academy that is organized in collaboration with Hildesheim University in Germany. The program also provides administrative and logistical support and facilitates visa and residence permits procedures for non-Moroccans.

Applicants should hold a Bachelor degree from any Arab or non-Arab university preferably in a field related to those offered in the program; have a minimum of 3 years experience in the field of cultural policy, cultural administration, arts administration or cultural research; have a good level of Arabic and English, and originate from an Arab country regardless of ethnicity and citizenship status or whether they are currently residing in the Arab region or abroad.

The deadline for application is 10 July, 2020 at 4:00 PM (Beirut time). Interested applicants from Morocco are invited to apply through the website of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Ben M’sik once the university announces the dates of the local exams between August and September 2020. Non-Moroccans are asked to email the complete application form and the required documents to: [email protected].

More information on the program and the application guidelines here