Upon the applicants request to give more time for completing the applications, the deadline for application for the MA in Cultural Policy & Cultural Management will be extended till Friday 31 July, 2020 before 4:00 PM Beirut time.

Interested applicants from Morocco are invited to apply through the website of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Ben M’sik where the university will be announcing soon the dates of the local exams. Non-Moroccans are asked to send the complete application form and the required documents following the guidelines on Culture Resource’s website. 

This MA is a two-year program taught in both Arabic and English and hosted by the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ben M’sik, at the Hassan II University in Casablanca, Morocco. It offers partial scholarships and a small grant to support the graduation project, in addition to the opportunity of participating in the summer academy that is organized in collaboration with Stiftung Universität Hildesheim in Germany. The program also provides administrative and logistical support and facilitates visa and residence permits procedures for non-Moroccans.

More information on the program and the application guidelines here.