Culture Resource is pleased to announce the open call for the second round of Mudawanat, a project organized by Culture Resource in cooperation with the British Council to support the creation and distribution over the different podcast platforms of Arabic-language audio content on Arts and Culture in the Arab region. 

This call is open to cultural actors, artists, writers and podcasters on Arts and Culture, and it encourages both beginner podcasters involved in the cultural milieu as well as experienced podcasters interested in further developing their skills to apply. This round of Mudawanat will be carried out in two tracks, track 1 is dedicated to both beginners and those with experience in audio production, and track is dedicated only to experienced podcasters. 

The production process will start with an orientation workshop in which participants will receive guidance on how to develop their themes and script productions. Afterwards they will work in one-on-one sessions with the editorial trainer to help them flesh out their proposals. Participants will then join theoretical and practical training sessions on audio design and podcast production and publication, which focuses on the recording arts, sound editing and other knowhow needed to prepare, script and carry out their projects. Specialized trainers will monitor participants’ progress in one-on-one coaching sessions and be available to support and guide them through the creation of their podcasts from conception to publication of the episodes/series.

The deadline for application is 10 August 2020 at 16:00 Beirut time

More information about the project and the application guidelines here.