In the framework of its ongoing interactions with participant organizations and its efforts to strengthen networking between them in order to foster the arts and culture sector across the region, the Abbara program launches an exceptional initiative to support the independent artistic and cultural organizations from the Arab region that took part in one of the five previous Abbara rounds. 

The Abbara program aims to support and empower independent cultural and artistic initiatives and organizations from the Arab region. In this framework, the program is now offering exceptional financial support to cover basic organizational expenses (administrative staff salaries, rental payments, running costs, etc.) to help organizations adjust to the current circumstances and survive at this time of rapid change. 

Through this initiative, Abbara will support 10 to 12 independent artistic and cultural organizations active in the Arab region and that have participated in one of the five previous Abbara rounds. The organizations will be eligible for grants of up to $15,000 covering a period of 6 to 12 months, depending on the individual needs of the organization.

Organizations wishing to apply to the Abbara Support Initiative should submit a Letter of Intent with the required supporting documents. The deadline for application is Friday 3 July, 2020 before 4:00 PM Beirut time

More information about the initiative and the application guidelines here.