Culture Resource, in partnership with KKV (Norway) and in collaboration with DABATEK, Think Tanger and Cinémathèque de Tanger, is organizing REDZONE Festival 2019 in Tangier, Morocco from 3 till 6 October 2019.

This year’s edition offers a new model for building local, regional and international cultural collaborations by programming artistic activities in the context of the city’s location at the fringe between Africa and Europe. It came as a response to an invitation from a group of independent artists and artistic and cultural organisations in Tangier to develop together a joint concept for this edition that will allow the interaction with the city’s vibrant and diverse audience.

“Migration and the City” was chosen to be the main theme for this year as it is timely in the regional and global contexts and it is especially relevant to Tangier as a transit point that witnessed human migratory experiences throughout history. With this theme, the festival aims to stimulate dialogue on the right of freedom of movement, the meanings of migration and exile, and the challenges of uprooting.

This edition is an invitation to follow the path of an artistic program in Tangier’s streets and cultural spaces, in the fields of performing arts, music, visual arts, urbanism and cinema. The program also includes workshops, discussions and a standing invitation to meet the other.

REDZONE is an annual and multidisciplinary festival, organized by Culture Resource in partnership with KKV,  and it advocates a critical approach to contemporary issues and features artistic works that focus on themes related to freedom of expression in arts and culture.

For more details about the festival’s program, please visit the Facebook Event.