New Voices in Cultural Policies” is a publication that includes 10 articles on topics related to cultural policies in the Arab region between 2019 and 2022, within 4 chapters that address issues of legislations, funding, rights, and digitization. It presents a survey on policies, practices, and diverse experiences of cultural work in several countries in the Arab region namely Egypt, Algeria, Libya,
Lebanon, Palestine and a number of Gulf countries.

Five researchers from Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, and Palestine, participated in writing the publication with the supervision of Dr. Habiba Laloui, through an open research workshop that adopts a collaborative peer learning approach for collective development of content and ideas, in the framework of Culture Resource’s cultural policies and research’s program.

The publication is considered a space for new voices for cultural actors, researchers, and those interested in cultural affairs. It also serves as a contribution to the documentation and understanding of an important phase that the Arab region is witnessing.